Friday, May 9, 2008

Hanna's Daughters it is

I think we should read Hanna's Daughters first.
I guess everybody needs to get a Copy.
So, once you get a Copy we can all start reading and discussing. I can't wait.
Oh, and post on how you think we should run this Book Club! Also, does anybody know how to get a cool template for free for this Blog?


CelloBella said...

I reckon we give ourselves a time limit - say a month to read the book and report back?

What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Now I have to go to Costco and find if they have that book, books are cheap there :)

Dette said...

A month sounds good - will check Costco as well - they definitely have some great deals!

P.S. I've seen some great templates at or that are free. Some cute, too!

Alexandra said...

I think a month is great. Dette, why don't you select a template and install it. I don't know how to install templates!

cherry said...

one month is ok. =)

CelloBella said...

Of course having said that - can I find the book? It's on order...
How is everyone going?

Elle said...

oooh, I'm far behind -- no matter, I'll order and get reading.